Frequently Asked Questions

1» What Kaind of Work ?
         We can provide capcher entry work ,

2» What is minimum payment ?
        Megatypers minimum payout 3$ if you have work up to 3$ before every monday your paymen             
        withdraw and you account it your cash and Qlinkgroup minimum payment 800 capcher before        
        every friday.

3» What are the payment process?  
       We can pay you by minimum (13$)1000 rupees by Bank, Easypaisa and Omoney every month 
        date 6 to 12 you account your all cash of the month withdraw that payment successfuly
        withdraw by site.

4» How many IDs i can use in a time?
       If your typing speed is sloow you can use one id and if your typing speed is fast yous can use 
       two or three ids but becareful if you have many kickout or wrong word type your ids Ban.

5» Can I have more than one account?

       Yes! you can use more then one account and one account have 2 ids .

6» Can other people in my household join?

        Yes! join all famly and stat work with ous and you can use one bank account by withdraw

7» My network, school or ISP all use the same or randomly   
     sed IP addresses, can I join?

      Yes, this is fine. you can join this it's no problam

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